Christmas Eve


Are we nearly there yet?

I can still remember as a child travelling to visit family in Wales - nearly five hours in a car (with just books and food in those days to keep me entertained) and one toilet stop only! But as we drove over the Severn Bridge, through Port Talbot and approached Golden Hill in Pembrokeshire, I knew just three minutes after that we’d be arriving at my grandparents house.

The Bible is full of milestones that point towards the coming of Jesus - signs that helped God’s people to keep waiting, to remain hopeful that their Messiah would come, to keep travelling the road God had for them in obedience and love towards Him and one another.

As we’ve reflected on John 1 this Advent, we have travelled backwards and forwards on the road from creation to Christ. John reminds us that to get to a destination you have to start somewhere and this first chapter has taken us back to the beginnings, to the place before the road to the Father through Jesus was even built.

As we think about tomorrow, we know we’re nearly there (hurray!) but we also remember that we are always on a journey towards Jesus, always waiting for Him, putting our hope in Him and welcoming Him with eager anticipation. We wait for the day when He comes again and after the 25th as we cram the recycling bin full and eat the third round of leftovers, we will still be preparing for Him to return.

As we make our final preparations today - last-minute wrapping, loading the car, nipping to the garage for extra milk - take some time out to prepare your heart this Christmas. What do you want to say to Jesus on this Christmas Eve?

The Source Advent Christmas Eve.jpg
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